Tuesday 30 April 2013

What is to Come #2

LordVega opened SubChat Channel #GetYourAssesInHere @ 14:06 PM ET 25/04/2213
SnoopCatte420 entered the chat room.
MasterBaiter entered the chat room.
LordVega: ha ha real fucking funny ronny
LordVega: now change it back
MasterBaiter: aww, okay :(
MasterBaiter is now MasterRonald
SnoopCatte420: Lol XD
LordVega: shut up
LordVega: okay so that link up with the uss chicago went well, which is a fucking miracle considering the quality of the staff here
MasterRonald: Don't be so hard on yourself Mikey :P
LordVega: ronald i swear to god im gonna shove you through an airlock one day
MasterRonald: lol
SnoopCatte420: XD
LordVega: now before you asswipes go back to watching sports i need to get angeline in here so we can properly brief everyone
SnoopCatte420: aww man do we have to?
SnoopCatte420: she gives me the creeps
MasterRonald: me too :(
LordVega: well i wont but dont come crying to me when the assignment goes tits up because of it
MasterRonald: you really need to chill bro :s
LordVega: look, if we do this right we get big fat paychecks and maybe our names in a history book somewhere
LordVega: you can understand why im stressed right
SnoopCatte420: that's one way of putting it :3
SublimeGizmo entered the chat room.
LordVega: there you are
LordVega: you ready to recieve the assignment?
SublimeGizmo: Yes.
LordVega: good
LordVega: so anyway as you already know we have a big old container slatered in top secret and do not open stickers aboard our little station here
LordVega: in approximately three hours we will be orbiting porphyrion attatched to the uss chicago as part of a research thingy
LordVega: hate that fucking planet but orders is orders
MasterRonald: I kinda like it
MasterRonald: Everyone's very chill down there
LordVega: excuse me but i dont think the planet of the orcs is very fucking chill at all
LordVega: it is a hive of weird shit that dropped out of a comic book one day and i want no part in it
SublimeGizmo: I think Porphyrion is a nice name.
SnoopCatte420: really? :O
LordVega: thats nice angeline
LordVega: anyway you guys are gonna love our task today
LordVega: we're gonna science us up some magic




"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere new."

Wednesday 24 April 2013

What Is To Come #1

"Wakey wakey! Good morning, dear!"

The golem blinked. Its vision was filled with beard, a white explosion that took up most of a kindly, wrinkled old face topped with a pointy, dark blue hat.

"I expect you're wondering where you are." The old man stepped away, revealing himself to be a lot shorter than expected and dressed in a baggy robe in the same midnight colour as his hat. Behind him, a large window filtered sunlight into a cacophony of chairs, desks overloaded with parchments and brass tools, and strange glass constructions. In one corner stood a tall mirror, dirty with age and cracked a little in one corner. The golem looked at it.

"This is my study. I've brought you here - well, more sort of smuggled, really. You would have been scrapped if I hadn't. It's a shame, what they do to faulty golems. But you're safe now! Safe here."

A woman stared back from the mirror, her skin the burnt orange of pottery. She wore, or rather had modelled onto her body a wide-brimmed hat, a large dress with saddlebags moulded on, a head of curly hair and a peaceful expression on the carved face. Above the burning red eyes, on the forehead, were the words אמת in fine script. A small wicker basket hung over one arm.

The golem turned its eyes away from the mirror and back to the old man, who was still talking as he bustled around the room, picking up papers and books and putting them down elsewhere.

"Your shem is fine - they write it inside the golem on the clay now, can you believe that? So awkward. Hardly a way to give a golem a mind, is it? Oh, but you don't know anything about that. Let's start somewhere simple, shall we?"

The old man turned. His face was creased with a smile.

"I'm Jeremiah Swiftheart - but I just prefer Jeremy nowadays. What shall we call you?"

The burning eyes fell upon a small vase of flowers, lurking on the windowsill of the room. Something about them made sense, somehow. Pottery clinked as the golem moved over to the window, legs hidden by the wide dress, and an arm delicately plucked out one of the flowers. The golem turned it between its fingertips, staring.

Jeremy laughed.

"Of course! Rose. Rose it is, then!"


Snoop_Catte420 opened SubChat Room #Amazing Honks @ 13:26 PM ET 25/04/2213
MasterRonald entered the chat room
MasterRonald: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Snoop_Catte420: LoL XD
MasterRonald: christ why are we still on this dumbass space station
MasterRonald: was the world jelly at us or something
Snoop_Catte420: NASA overestimated america
MasterRonald: so bored
MasterRonald: erbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb
Snoop_Catte420: chill dude we got an assignment in like three hours
Snoop_Catte420: hold your horses
MasterRonald: there are no horses on this station
MasterRonald: confirmed
Snoop_Catte420: confirmed!
MasterRonald: aeiou
Snoop_Catte420: wanna go do solar readings again
MasterRonald: no those are boring, let's watch some pro foosball instead
Snoop_Catte420: k lol
MasterRonald left the chat room
Snoop_Catte420 left the chat room
LordVegas entered the chat room
LordVegas: goddamn it you lazy fucks get off your ass we are linking to the USS Chicago in literally ten minutes
LordVegas: shit wait you're not here
LordVegas: figures
LordVegas left the chat room